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Get Financially Healthy in 2023


Everyone has different idea of what financial freedom looks like. The vision could include a fleet of fast cars, becoming debt free, providing support for elderly family members, international travel, retiring to the coastline, building a healthy investment portfolio . . . the list goes on and on.

Whatever your goal, it's important to create a plan to achieve it or run the risk of it remaining just a goal for forevermore. A plan needs focused incremental tasks to be successful. Here are 5 steps from the One26 team to give you a healthy financial start to 2023.

1. Get in the know

  • What income are you generating? What are your financial obligations? Money comes in. Money goes out. Are you keeping track of what’s going where?

2. Ask the big questions

  • Where are you now on your journey? Where would you like to be? Is there a path to get there? What are your priorities? What are the non-negotiables?

3. Set the BIG goal

  • Only you describe your vision; you dream the dream. What does financial freedom look like to you?

4. Turn your goal into a plan

Now is the time to talk to a One26 Financial Planner. Schedule an appointment and mark it on your calendar. Be prepared by listing the subjects you want to cover and your major and minor goals. . Together we can choose the objectives that will be your top priorities in 2023.This planning session is all about you and your needs

5. Follow through

  • As Dr Seus once said . . . apparently . . . "In golf, as in life, it is the follow through that makes the difference."

It is never too late to start planning. Contact our team today and get started


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